Lafayette Organized Graduate Students

What is LOGS?

Lafayette Organized Graduate Students (Lafayette OGS or LOGS) is a cross-departmental group dedicated to building graduate student communication and allowing graduate workers to support one another. Many sectors of UL Lafayette currently operate through informal or poorly documented rules with little transparency and to the detriment of graduate workers' experience and livelihoods. Allowing graduate workers a way to share information and speak with a collective voice is an essential tool to making equitable and systemic changes in such an institution. As a non-university affiliated group, we provide a structure for graduate students to seek support from a larger community and form working groups to address topics which will improve accountability and working conditions within UL Lafayette.

Join Our Mailing List

Lafayette OGS currently uses listserv for graduate students and workers to communicate about events and concerns, share questions and advice, and communicate about current activities and initiatives. Stay updated by joining our listserv through the "Get Involved" link below. If you would like to become more involved, you can reach our organizing team by sending an email to

Get Involved with LOGS